The Registry shows three of these sex offenders are sexual predators. In Georgia, a sexual predator is an individual who is determined by the Sexual Offender Registration Review Board to be at risk of perpetrating any future dangerous sexual offense.
The Registry also shows 13 of these sex offenders are currently incarcerated.
Sex offenders in Georgia remain on the Sexual Offender Registry for life unless removed by a court order or other legal means. Any individual who fails to register when required “shall be guilty of a felony and shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than 30 years,” according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.
If a sex offender moves to another county in the state of Georgia or another state in the US, they are required to register with the Sheriff in their new county or state of residence., a security think tank, found the number of sex offenders in the US increases by roughly 32,000 a year.
Offender | Status | Crime |
Abelardo Aaron Martinez | Not Incarcerated | Sexual conduct with a minor |
Alejandro Santamaria Aguirre | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Amanda Frances Prater | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Anthony Darin Priest | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Barry Shawn Gann | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated sodomy |
Barry Wayne Lewis | Not Incarcerated | Lewd or lascivious act on a child under 16 |
Bradley Harold Crocker | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
Buddy Lamar Baggett Jr. | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Byron Herbert Coalson | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Cecil Ray Wright | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Cedric Rodiquez Owensby | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
Charles Edward Harris | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Charles W. Cox | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Christopher M. Tyler | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Christopher Michael Lacy II | Not Incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Christopher Scott Reed | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Clarence Oliver Coalson Jr. | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Corey Shane Hammonds | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Curtis Eugene Green | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
Daniel Robert Hernandez | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Daniel Scott Fore | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Daniel Warren Blasdell | Not Incarcerated | Criminal sexual conduct |
Darryl Dwayne Randall | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
David Keith Lewis | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
David Russell Gaddis | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Donald Eric Lindsey | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Gary Lynn Burgess | Not Incarcerated | Rape first degree |
Geoffrey Frank Walker | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Isaac Matthew Santiful | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery misdemeanor |
Jackie Lee Reid | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
James Edward Billingsley | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
James Edward Corbitt | Not Incarcerated | Obscene material |
James Henry Jordan | Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
James Lee Chambers | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
James Leonard Higgins | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
James Michael Wright | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery (2nd or subsequent conviction) |
James Milton Smith Jr. | Not Incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
James Ray Watkins | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
James Ronald Cook | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Jason Richard Rakestraw | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Jayson Nicholas McIntyre | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Jeffery Frank Rakestraw | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Jerry Allen Roe | Not Incarcerated | Sexual assault |
Jerry Michael Craft | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Jerry Michael Holtzclaw | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Jesse Robert Lipscomb | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Jessie Timothy Paul Casey | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Joel Ivory Dockery Jr. | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
John Charles Sanders | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated sodomy |
John Edward Hicks | Not Incarcerated | Lewd or lascivious on a minor |
John Mitchell Mosley | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
John Quillian Head | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
John Richard Porter | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
John Wayne Billingsley | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Johnathon Glenn Sanders | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Joseph Christopher Hutcheson | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Joseph Darrell Kowzon | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Joseph Earl Griffin | Not Incarcerated | Lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14 |
Joseph Eugene Hayes | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Joseph Lamar Campbell | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Joseph Vincent Myrick | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Joshua Darrell Morrow | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated assault with intent to rape |
Joshua Ryan Hughes | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Kary Devaughn Sinkfield | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Keith Lee Green | Not Incarcerated | Lewd or lascivious behavior with a victim 12 less than 16 years of age |
Kerry Levi Rudeseal | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Kohlton Alex Sheets | Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Larry Emanuel Sherbert | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
Larry Eugene Cash | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Larry Michael Snider | Not Incarcerated | Sexual assault |
Larry Thomas Barber | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Laura Jean Melissa Chapman | Not Incarcerated | Federal/military sex crime conviction |
Lee Anthony Williams | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Leon Kay Roderick | Not Incarcerated | Forcible sodomy |
Leon McFarling | Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Lester Thomas Edwards | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Lewis David Steele | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Lewis Wayne Carroll | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated sodomy |
Lin Douglas Jennings | Not Incarcerated | Sexual abuse of a minor 1st degree |
Macon Leroy Mathias Jr. | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Matthew Travis Manus | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Michael Christopher Reynolds | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Michael David Pearson | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Michael Jonathan Hall | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Michael Lee Poteet | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Michael Shane Hulvey | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Michael Wayne Ferguson Jr. | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Nathan William Dobbs | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Nathaniel Glenn Matthews | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Nicholas Faine Proctor | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Patrick Anthony Barkley | Not Incarcerated | Carnal knowledge, sodomy |
Peter G. Gearhart | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Phillip Michael Wakefield | Not Incarcerated | Cruelty to children |
Randell Lee Mauri Jr. | Not Incarcerated | Sexual abuse 1st degree |
Raymond Yearta | Not Incarcerated | Lewd or lascivious act |
Regional Lane Knight | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Richard Farley | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Robbie Joe Giddeons | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
Robert Cleveland Hodgin III | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Roger Dale Smith | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Roman Chandler Booker | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Ronald Frank Hudgins | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Ronald Hightower | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Ronald Lee West | Not Incarcerated | Indecent liberties with a minor |
Roy Dale Marshall | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Sandra Jean Franks | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Sean Connery Thomas Sr. | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Sergio Kamille Mauri | Not Incarcerated | Rape 3rd degree |
Stephen Rand McGatha Sr. | Not Incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Steve Allan Kiker | Not Incarcerated | Kidnapping |
Tekoa Devon Ross | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Thomas Barker Sr. | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Thomas Keeton | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Thomas Matthew Hunt | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Tim Clark | Not Incarcerated | Rape |
Timothy James Cole | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated assault with an intent to rape |
Tony Anthony Weaver | Not Incarcerated | Incest |
Travis Craig Williams | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Trent Andrew Turpen | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Triston Lee Wilkerson | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Wallace Reginald Jarrett | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Willie David Adams | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |