GA Superintendent of Education Richard Woods 2023 | Georgia Department of Education
GA Superintendent of Education Richard Woods 2023 | Georgia Department of Education
Among the 20,790 students attending Carroll County schools, 54.9% were white. African American students were the second most common ethnicity, making up 22.7% of Carroll County student body.
In the previous school year, white students were also the most common ethnicity in Carroll County School Districts, representing 56.8% of the student body.
Carrollton City School District had the most even distribution of races among county school districts, which included 35% of white students, 33% of African American students, 24% of Hispanic students, and 2% of Asian students.
In the 2022-23 school year, the total number of students enrolled in school districts in the county increased 3.2% when compared to the previous year.
The main offices of all districts mentioned in the story are located in cities associated with Carroll County.
According to the Georgia Department of Education, over 1.6 million students were enrolled in Georgia's public schools during the 2021-22 school year. The state boasted a diverse and closely distributed student body across grade levels, with roughly 44% of the students in elementary, 24.5% in middle school, and 31.5% in high schools.
The state also registered an ethnically diverse student body, with 34.4% of the students identified as white, 36.5% as Black, 17.1% as Hispanic, and 4.5% as Asian.
District | Most prevalent ethnicity | % of Total Student Body | Total Enrollment |
Carroll County School District | White | 62% | 15,329 |
Carrollton City School District | White | 35% | 5,461 |